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Buy Trimetazidine (Preductal) online. PayPal


Pharmacological group: antihypoxant, antianginal drug.


Dosage form: tablets


Release form: 35 mg tablets, 30/60 tablets or capsules per pack.


Trimetazidine normalizes the energy metabolism of cells that have undergone a decrease in blood supply or oxygen in the blood. Supports energy metabolism of the heart and sense organs (sight, smell, etc.). It is used to prevent angina attacks in coronary heart disease, as well as in Meniere's disease, tinnitus, dizziness caused by impaired cerebral circulation.

Trimetazidine is a targeted drug for stimulating metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart muscle. It also contributes to the normalization of blood pressure indicators, especially against the background of strong emotional experiences.


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Buy Trimetazidine (Preductal)

PriceFrom $30.00
  • This drug has primarily an antihypoxic effect.

    What is hypoxia?

    In simple words, hypoxia is oxygen starvation of the body. It can occur in severe cases, such as damage to the respiratory system, or staying in a smoky room during a fire.

    But hypoxia can also be chronic if this process is caused by internal pathologies. The lack of oxygen accompanies many diseases, and it is not always possible to say exactly what is the cause and what is the effect. Since oxygen is a participant in all biochemical processes, it is natural that its deficiency directly affects overall health and immunity.

    When tissues suffer from hypoxia, there is:

    • violation of the process of energy production by cells;
    • increase in the number of free radicals;
    • destruction of healthy cells.

    You can stop these processes in only one way - by taking antihypoxants.

    By directly acting on cardiomyocytes and brain neurons, Trimetazidine optimizes their metabolism and function. The cytoprotective effect is due to an increase in energy potential, activation of oxidative decarboxylation and rationalization of oxygen consumption (increased aerobic glycolysis and blockade of fatty acid oxidation due to inhibition of long-chain 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase).

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